Instructions for authors

The abstract must be completed in the manner listed below and sent to the Organizing Committee via the “Abstract Submission” link, but only after registering by and no later than June 18, 2023.

The first author must be registered for the Congress.


The summary must be completed on a single A4 sheet (the excess pages will be discarded) with a margin of 2 cm on all four sides.

The spacing should be single, and there should be a blank space following the punctuation.

The font must be Times New Roman (character 11).

In special cases underlining or italics may be used.

No spaces should be left between paragraphs, except between the title and the names/addresses, between the names/addresses and the text.

The title (in bold) must be preceded by the abbreviation identifying the abstract which identifies the topic to which it falls (see Topics page), in font size 12.

The names of the authors, in full, must be written in Roman type, character 11.

The relative addresses, in the immediately following line, in character 10.

The bibliography can be inserted in the text as a number (1) and cited at the end of the text.

Any figures can be inserted by sacrificing a part of the text space and must have a caption in 10 character.

Download the abstract template in docx format: