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The University of Perugia (UNIPG), Italy, is partner of the collaborative project PGR Secure funded under the EU Seventh Framework Programme THEME KBBE.2010.1.1-03, Grant agreement no. 266394 (coordinator: Dr. Nigel Maxted; University of Birmingham, UK).

The UNIPG’s research team

Prof. Valeria Negri (scientist in charge), Dr. Domizia Donnini (WP3), Dr. Daniela Gigante (WP3), Dr. Flavia Landucci (WP3), Dr. Luca Pacicco (WP4), Dr. Lorenzo Panella (WP3), Dr. Renzo Torricelli (WP4), Prof. Roberto Venanzoni (WP3).


The project

The aim of the PGR Secure project is “to research novel characterization techniques and conservation strategies for European crop wild relative and landrace diversity, and further, to enhance crop improvement by breeders, as a means of underpinning European food security in the face of climate change” (see the webpage

The PGR Secure project is organized in six work packages:

WP1 - Phenomics and genomics
WP2 - Informatics
WP3 - Crop wild relative conservation
WP4 - Landrace conservation
WP5 - Engaging the user community
WP6 - Dissemination and training

Within the PGR Secure project the UNIPG’s team is mainly engaged in the development of conservation strategies for European crop wild relatives (CWR) and landraces (LR) in WP3 and WP4.


Products of the team available from this website:

  • Working database of the Italian vascular flora

This working database was created specifically for conservation purposes and the creation of the Italian CWR and WHP checklist, by matching different literature sources. The main source used to produce this working database was the digital taxonomic list available in the botanical database system anArchive updated to July 2012 (, anArchive 2003-2012, Gigante et al. 2012, Venanzoni et al. 2012). The anArchive taxonomic list was constructed taking into account European and Italian floras (Tutin et al. 1968, 1972, 1976, 1993; Pignatti 1982) and the official most recent checklist of Italy (Conti et al. 2005, 2007) and is continuously updated based on the main recent bibliographic sources and accordingly to Euro+Med PlantBase (, see Euro+Med 2006-2013). Supplementary data sources used to built this database are: Mansfeld’s Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops (Hanelt and IPK Gatersleben 2001), the Italian CWR checklist taken from the CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean (Kell et al. 2005) and the USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (USDA-ARS-GRIN 2012).

Download Working Database

  • Italian Crop Wild Relative and Wild Harvested Plant checklist (CWR/WHP List)

The Italian CWR and WHP checklist was conceived as an integration and revision of the national inventory extracted from the CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean (available online via the Crop Wild Relative Information System: - Kell et al. 2005).

Download CWR/WHP List

  • Italian Peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia CWR/WHP Lists

From the Italian CWR and WHP checklist, separate lists for the Italian Peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia were also worked out.
Download Italian Peninsula CWR/WHP List
Download Sicily CWR/WHP List
Download Sardinia CWR/WHP List

  • Italian prioritized inventory of Plant Genetic Resources (PList)
A priority list of plant taxa important as plant genetic resources was realized by a prioritization process on the CWR/WHP List. The prioritization process was carried out taking into account those taxa related to the crops considered important for the world food security which are listed in Annex I of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA, - FAO 2001) and the crops important for the local economy as indicated by national statistics available for cultivated areas and yield in the last five years ( Special emphasis was given to wild taxa requiring monitoring and/or protection, i.e. the taxa included in national and European Red Lists (Conti et al. 1992, 1997; Bilz et al. 2011), Bern Convention (Council of Europe 1979) and Annexes to the  EU Habitats Directive (European Communities 1995-2007). As a result of the prioritization process three distinct categories of conservation priority were established: A, B and C. The A category includes native taxa related to a crop of worldwide and national importance for food and agriculture, which are included in (at least) one list of threatened taxa. They need specific protection measures. The B category includes native taxa related to important crops, which are endemic or subendemic in the Italian territory, although not included in any list of threatened taxa. They do not necessarily require specific protection measures; although they might need particular attention in the future due to their restricted distribution (i.e. they are comparable to IUCN's LC, Least Concern, category). Finally, the C category includes native taxa related to important crops, neither endemic nor subendemic in Italy, that, on the ground of the current knowledge, do not need any specific protection measure (i.e. are not included in any list of threatened taxa).

Download Prioritized Italian CWR/WHP List (PList)

  • Prioritized Sicily and Sardinia CWR/WHP Lists
From the Prioritized Italian CWR and WHP List, separate lists for Sicily and Sardinia were also worked out.
Download Prioritized Sicily CWR/WHP List (Sicily PList)
Download Prioritized Sardinia CWR/WHP List (Sardinia PList)

  • The first inventory of In Situ Maintained Landraces of Italy
A landraces inventory is a tool for their safeguarding and for implementing specific conservation strategies. This inventory is the result of the work on Plant Genetic Resources carried out by Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces across the last decades and reports data available at January 2013. The contribution of the above mentioned Public Authorities and relative officers in charge to the compilation of the inventory is warmly acknowledged.

LR inventory ENTER >>

All the files are downloadable as protected (only readable) spreadsheet files. If you need for scientific porpouses to have the original non protected files please contact the authors: Valeria Negri -, Flavia Landucci -

Cited bibliography

anArchive. 2003-2012. anAchive 5: database system – taxonomic list. Available online at (accessed Feb. 2012).
Bilz, M., S.P. Kell, N. Maxted, and R.V. Lansdown. 2011.
European Red List of Vascular Plants. European Union, Luxembourg. Available online at
Conti, F., A. Manzi, and F. Pedrotti. 1992. Libro rosso delle piante d’Italia. WWF Italia, Societa' Botanica Italiana. Poligrafica Editrice, Roma.
Conti, F., A. Manzi, and F. Pedrotti. 1997. Liste rosse regionali delle piante d'Italia. WWF Italia, Soc Bot Ital. TIPAR Poligrafica Editrice, Camerino.
Conti, F., G. Abbate, A. Alessandrini, and C. Blasi. 2005. An Annotated Check-List of the Italian Vascular Flora. Palombi Editore, Roma.
Conti, F., A. Alessandrini, G. Bacchetta, E. Banfi, G. Barberis, F. Bartolucci, L. Bernardo, S. Bonacquisti, D. Bouvet, M. Bovio, G. Brusa, E. Del Guacchio, B. Foggi, S. Frattini, G. Galasso, L. Gallo,C. Gangale, G. Gottschlich, P. Grunanger, L. Gubellini, G. Iiriti, D. Lucarini, D. Marchetti, B. Moraldo, L. Peruzzi, L. Poldini, F. Prosser, M. Raffaelli, A. Santangelo, E. Scassellati, S. Scortegagna, F. Selvi, A. Soldano, D. Tinti, D. Ubaldi, D. Uzunov, and M. Vidali. 2007. Integrazione alla Checklist della flora vascolare italiana. Natura Vicentina 10:5-74.
Council of Europe. 1979. Bern Convention – The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. CoE, Strasbourg. Available online at
Euro+Med. 2006-2013. Euro+Med PlantBase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Published on the Internet
European Commission. 1995-2007. Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora. Available online at
FAO. 2001. International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Available online at
Gigante, D., A.T.R Acosta, A. Agrillo, F. Attorre, V.E. Cambria, S. Casavecchia, A. Chiarucci, E. Del Vico, M. De Sanctis, L. Facioni, F. Geri, R. Guarino, S. Landi, F. Landucci, D. Lucarini, E. Panfili, S. Pesaresi, I. Prisco, L. Rosati, F. Spada, and R. Venanzoni. 2012. VegItaly: technical features, critical points and some solutions. Plant Sociol 49:71-79.
Hanelt, P., and IPK Gatersleben, editors. 2001. Mansfeld’s Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. 6 vols. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York. Available online at
Istat (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica).
2012. Consultazione dati. (accessed Dec. 2012).
Kell, S.P., H. Kn�pffer, S.L. Jury, N. Maxted, and  B.V. Ford-Lloyd 2005. Catalogue of Crop Wild Relatives for Europe and the Mediterranean. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. Available online at and on CD-ROM.
Negri, V., L. Pacicco, M. Bodesmo, and Torricelli R. 2013. The first Italian inventory of in situ maintained landraces. On CD ROM.  ISBN 978-88-6074-279-7. Morlacchi Editrice, Perugia
Pignatti, S. 1982. Flora d’Italia. Edagricole, Bologna.
Tutin, T.G., V.H. Heywood, N.A. Burges, D.M. Moore, D.H. Valentine, S.M. Walters, and D.A. Webb. 1968. Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Tutin, T.G., V.H. Heywood, N.A. Burges, D.H. Valentine, S.M. Walters, and D.A. Webb. 1972-1976. Flora Europaea. Vols. 3-4. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Tutin, T.G., N.A. Burges, A.O. Chater, J.R. Edmondson, V.H. Heywood, D.M. Moore, D.H. Valentine, S.M. Walters and D.A. Webb. 1993. Flora Europaea. Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
USDA-ARS-GRIN. 2012. Online Database USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available online at (accessed June 2012).
Venanzoni, R., F. Landucci, E. Panfili, and D. Gigante. 2012. Toward an Italian national vegetation database: VegItaly. Biodivers Ecol 4:185-190.

The information published in this website reflects the views of the UNIPG research group. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.