Registration and payment

Registration fee EarlyLate
March 20th, 2025April 8th, 2025
IAVS Member350.00 €420.00 €
Non IAVS Member420.00 €480.00 €
IAVS Member – student280.00 €350.00 €
Non-IAVS member – student320.00 €380.00 €
Accompanying persons150.00 €180.00 €
Social dinner60.00 €
Excursion60.00 €

The fee includes coffee-breaks, lunches, conference package

Payment methods

You can pay the registration fee to SocietĂ  Botanica Italiana onlus (our administrative partner)

using one of the following methods:

1.  Bank transfer

Beneficiary: Società Botanica Italiana onlus Via P.A. Micheli, 3 – Firenze

Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, filiale terzo settore Firenze

IBAN: IT46G0306909606100000019636


Payment Reference (Causale): EVS2025 Name and Surname (e.g. EVS2025 Mario Rossi)

2.  Online payment (with a fee of 2.5%*)

(*Please note that a surcharge of 2.5% will be applied on the total amount since, by decision of the SBI Executive Board, those who will use this service will contribute to the bank charges that our Association should support to offer this payment option)

Payment Reference (Causale): EVS2025 Name and Surname (e.g. EVS2025 Mario Rossi)

As soon as you make the bank transfer, please send proof of payment (pdf format) together with your institutional address, Tax registration or VAT number to and

If you need to issue a proforma invoice before sending the money, please provide us such information (name of institution, address, VAT Number) as soon as possible.